Our Story
The Fourth Plain District
Fourth Plain Forward 501c3 was originated through City of Vancouver and is part of the successfully implemented 2015 Fourth Plain Forward Action Plan initiative.
We were created as a Business District Association to provide business technical assistance to local business owners and to create a placemaking opportunities for its residents.
Our geographical location covers five neighborhoods:
Rose Village
Fourth Plain village
Bagley Downs
Maple Wood
Meadow Homes
Transitioning to a Community Development Corporation (CDC)
We are excited to share that during 2024 - 2025 Fourth Plain Forward is transitioning into a Community Development Corporation (CDC). This change reflects our commitment to building a stronger, more sustainable community by aligning our work with economic development, affordable housing, and local business support.
As a CDC, we will continue to focus on uplifting BIPOC communities, supporting small businesses, and addressing systemic challenges. This shift allows us to expand our impact across Clark County while staying rooted in the Fourth Plain Corridor. Our goal is to create a model for inclusive, community-driven development that fosters long-term opportunities for all residents.
Our History
Fourth Plain Forward was designated as a 501c3 in. A board comprising of local business owners and residents of the fourth plain corridor helped create our first programs and we hired our first District Coordinator. Our EIN is 82-2923186.
The Fourth Plain Coalition was created and comprised of more than 40 multisectoral partners focused on reducing the health and economic disparities experienced by families living along the Fourth Plain corridor in Vancouver.
Clark County Public Health, Evergreen Habitat for Humanity and the City of Vancouver and Fourth Plain Forward were one of 18 recipients of the national BUILD Health Challenge awards and received $166,000 to positively impact the mental health status of residents living along the Fourth Plain corridor.
To address housing stability and the goals of this project, the project focused on four systemic interventions:
Strengthening local data infrastructure
Local legislative solutions
Policy assessment and implementation
Training local leaders to promote sustainable, healthy neighborhood development
The BUILD funding enabled the creation of a new resident action group, the Community Advisory Committee. This group was able to successfully partner with the BUILD Foundation team and leverage their intimate knowledge of the community to help advocate for residents and build a sustainable committee that still regularly meets to discuss and act on local initiatives.
During the pandemic, Fourth Plain Forward was instrumental in working with local partners in providing resources to community members.
As the pandemic continued, the board and team at Fourth Plain Forward were continually undertaking outreach to business owners, providing local events such as Art in the Park to provide resources and worked closely with partners including the Clark County Mural Society to ensure than the Fourth Plain Corridor was actively engaged and receiving funding for COVID related issues.
Fourth Plain Forward was awarded a $450,000 3-year grant from the Community Foundation of SWW and Cowlitz tribe to focus its work on Equity outcomes.
As the pandemic subsided, Fourth Plain Forward worked closely with the City of Vancouver and Clark County Public Health to create new programs and worked directly with local community-based organizations to explore how Fourth Plain Forward could directly benefit their communities. A successful Art in the Park series at the Downs neighborhood park was followed by the unveiling of 10 new murals at the 4th Plain Safe Stay Community.
Fourth Plain Forward was successful in applying for the role of Operating Manager for the new City owned Fourth Plain Community Commons. This City led initiative is a major milestone for the Fourth Plain Forward Action Plan 2015 and is a significant investment in the Fourth Plain community. The Commons opened in September 2023 and hosts a co-working space, a commissary kitchen and event space.
Fourth Plain Forward was awarded $250,000 CDBG funds by the City of Vancouver to create a business technical assistance program. including a BIPOC Business Incubator.
We revise our vision, mission and long-term strategy to transition into a Community Development Corporation.
Fourth Plain Forward continues to grow and is now a staff team of 14. We are working towards becoming a Lending Agency to provide small businesses with low cost loans and have some amazing programs working at the heart of the fourth plain community.