Fourth Plain Forward $500 Community Micro Grants
Supporting grassroots leaders who are taking action locally.
What we fund:
Projects in the five neighborhoods: Rose Village, Fourth Plain Village, Bagley Downs, Meadow Homes and Maple Wood.
We will consider all causes including art, culture, community, environment, animal welfare, human rights, diversity, & community events.
Projects with a clear demonstration of how they will impact your community:
Foster friendship and connection
Strengthen neighborhood bonds
Build community cohesion
Bridge interpersonal and intergroup divides
Reduce social isolation and loneliness
Some examples of projects we might fund could be events that organize and unite neighbors or revitalize a local community space. We hope you’ll surprise us with unique ideas that are tailored to your neighborhood!
What should you tell us about your project?
Be sure to detail how your project will make a difference in your neighborhood.
Detail how you will spend $500. Project budgets are encouraged.
Provide as many details as you can. Where will this project be located? Who will benefit?
What our microgrants don’t fund:
Individuals and personal individual projects – this means funds for rent and bills, medical, travel, education/training, research, or business/nonprofit start-up funds.
Nonprofit organizations, schools, or businesses.
Three Ways to Apply:
Fill out an online application, OR
Call us at 360 258 0817 and we will write down your application for you, OR
Apply in person at our office:
5107 E 4th Plain Blvd Ste 111
Questions? Call us – 360 258 0817 or email info@fourthplainforward.org